VAGITOT CREAM is proven to restore vaginal tissues
to help relieve vaginal dryness and even painful sex due to menopause.
Menopause can cause changes in the vaginal tissues, called vaginal
atrophy. This can lead to vaginal dryness, itching and burning, and
painful sex. Vagitot vagina tightening Cream treats the underlying cause
of vaginal dryness and painful sex, to restore the tissues that provide
elasticity and lubrication. And you do not need to use it forever; just
for as long as you need treatment.
- VAGITOT CREAM works to treat vaginal discomfort and painful sex by delivering a blend of estrogen directly to the tissues in and around your vagina.
- VAGITOT CREAM doesn’t mask symptoms for temporary relief. VAGITOT CREAM addresses the cause of vaginal dryness and painful sex at its source treating the estrogen loss that causes this common menopausal symptom. Apply VAGITOT CREAM as directed by your health care professional.
- VAGITOT CREAM can reverse vaginal thinning and dryness and restore vaginal tissue — tissue that provides elasticity and lubrication. And with continued use, you can maintain this reversal.